Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dark Choc Crunchy Ice Cream

On Tuesday 31.oct.2023, kid1,3,4 all went with elderly to wound care appointment 2 at 2pm. They cleaned the wounds and say no infections. Fix the date for the next appointment next week.

He is still having slight cough and runny nose but duty calls. It is his day to get lunch for the elderly at home and also he needs to bring the center elderly to the wound care appointment.

*** Walls Ovaltine Dark Choc Crunchy ***

12.17 noon - yesterday I tried the matcha chocolate ice cream so today I try the Ovaltine dark Choc Crunchy Ice cream. The RRP is MYR 3.80 nett.

The malt Ovaltine taste is in the crunchy bits in the white coating. The filling tastes of chocolate only. The malt taste reminds me of Horlicks.

The packaging.

Made locally.

12.39 noon - then I ate a mini pink nestle kit Kat that has dried strawberries bits in the coating so it tastes a bit sourish admist the sweetness.

*** Golden Chopsticks coffee shop ***

10.08 am - roast chicken meat and siew yuk MYR 10 nett. Both of us ate the meat and he took some siew yuk and roast chicken for the elderly's wanton noodles soup lunch which he just bought from the wanton noodles stall in the same coffee shop.

10.06 am - our chapfan no rice and one hot cham MYR 17.30 nett. I ate the fried turmeric kembong fish. Taste good, I could eat more than one fish because the fish meat is not that much.

*** status ***

Center elderly walked a bit using the walker frame. After lunch reading is 8.2
The 2 pm appointment was completed by 3 pm.
1220 1305 11km 45mins MYR 20
1435 1511 8 km 36mins MYR 17

The wound care center uses this melolin dressing.

Received 2 large boxes of 4 packs of 15 pieces MYR 163.50 including delivery fees for a total of 120 pieces. The elderly uses around 5 pieces a day.

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