Sunday, April 21, 2024


On Sunday 21.apr.2023, didn't go out at all. He cooked the food he bought from the supermarket on Saturday.

9.21 am - grilled asparagus. Very tasty 😋 I like to eat grilled asparagus.

9.22 am - his sunny side up eggs, pork belly bacon, pumpkin, mushrooms in the pan. Crispy pork lard in the small bowl and pork lard oil in the glass container.

9.22 am - he fried an egg with fully cooked egg yolk for me.

3 pm - my brunch of the food he cooked. Very tasty 😋 I ate the fried egg with whole meal bread. I also ate the remaining tea egg, Bunn Choon pastries and Kai Dan Gou.

Morning 43.25
Next morning 43.05

*** The End ***


  1. I love asparagus but it makes my pee stinky almost immediately after I eat it >.< The food your hubby cooked looks like a very nice presentation of big breakfast!

    1. Oh, I believe asparagus does that to everyone, same as petai. Yes, you are right. He bought items to cook his own big breakfast with lard because almost all eateries will cook the big breakfast with butter which he doesn't like butter taste with his big breakfast. He prefers cooking his food with lard.
