Sunday, April 24, 2022

Lim Fried Chicken Delivery

On Sunday 24.apr.22, we ate the food from the previous day bought from Pudu ICC Food Court and ordered one shopeefood delivery for lunch.

10.50 am - one whole fried chicken leg with rice, cabbage and one hard boiled egg. In the photo of the menu, the egg shown is a fried egg. The skin of the chicken leg is very crispy.

Lim Fried Chicken packaging. Bought a coffee to reach a total of MYR 25 or more to be able to use the discount voucher.

This iced coffee has pieces of jelly konjac in it. Nice!

Free delivery with MYR 7.50 off. Also redeemed shopeecoins to make the total MYR 14.33 so it is a good price. Will order these 2 items again if there are vouchers available to redeem to lower the stated price on the menu.


  1. I haven't try LFC yet. Passed by the outlet in Mid Valley a few times, but my mind was not on fried chicken then...

    1. I think you will like this crispy skin fried chicken.

  2. Could see the skin of the fried chicken was crispy. I just had fried chicken yesterday. MIL cooked them. Super crispy skin.

    1. Wow! So nice of your mother in law to cook them.

  3. LFC is quite popular I think. The outlet at The Starling's food court is still standing strong.

    1. Good for them. 💪do you like to eat LFC?

  4. Hmm I bought from the LFC branch in Kota dsara, the skin wasn't crispy. Anyway I am currently not tempted to patronise them... remove one temptation hehe.

    1. Hhmmm, next time if u eat the chicken at the premise itself then should be still crispy.
