Monday, July 1, 2024

No Water

On Monday 1.jul.2024, went to nearby million ocean for brunch but many stalls were not opened so we walked to Tim won and it was the same, many stalls were not opened so we crossed the road to Fatty Mok and ordered food but not drinks. Went back to million ocean for coffee and found out that there is a water supply disruption since the previous day. That is why so many stalls were closed.

*** Fatty Mok ***

10.12 am - both of us shared all the above food.
1. My curry ribs noodles 13
2. His curry noodles 9
3. 6 pieces of ytf 2x6
Total price MYR 34 nett.

Morning 43.15
Next morning 43.1

*** Million ocean ***

11.23 am - buy takeaway since no water supply.
Price for takeaway drinks is a bit higher than dine in drinks.
1. Cham 3.8
2. Coffee 3.6
Total MYR 7.4 nett 

*** Avocado 🥑 ***

3.47 pm - he ate half an avocado 🥑 for his early dinner and kept half for my next day  meal.

*** Noisy ***

Picture is taken the next day.
Repair the very front row of roof tiles.

*** Antibiotics eye drop ***

11.07 am -  bought this eye drop for my friend MYR,5 nett.

10.46 am - An alternative at MYR 11 for 1 bottle of 5 ml.

*** The End ***

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