Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Long Q

On Wednesday 10.jul.2024, went to Pavilion Bukit Jalil. Ate at Oriental Kopi and Dao. Bought items from Verona Bread & Patisserie and Muji.

*** Dao at lot 2.18 ***

2.54 pm - 2 of us shared this big bowl of taohua in chrysanthemum sweet soup MYR 5.20+ with 5 pumpkin tong Yuen MYR 2.50+ so total is MYR 8.15 nett. The taohua is tasty and smooth. The pumpkin tong Yuen feels like having more glutinous flour than pumpkin.

*** Verona ***

11.25 am - opening day so long queue because today and tomorrow there is 50% on all bread and 30% on cakes.

2.40 pm - on my tray are 6 items.

Join Q 12.10 noon
Enter shop 1.30 pm
Join Q2pay 1.40 pm
Pay 2.40 pm

2.45 pm - please click on the above photo to read the text. the items I bought - 6 bread, 2 tarts, 1 slice of cake. Total 9 items at a total of MYR 50.25 nett after discount.

The rye sourdough is tasty because it is slightly sour. The ruby red velvet slice cake is incorrect. I bought a slice of strawberry mousse cheese cake. Taste nice though the foamy texture of mousse is not in my favourite list.

2.47 pm - still long queue.

4.27 pm - taste is nice. I think my tastebud has been adjusted to prefer less sweet items.

4.32 pm - the middle cheese portion has foamy mousse texture. I like the strawberry jam taste which I always do which is the reason I bought this slice of cake beca

The buyer's tray in front of me has the popular millefeuille toast. The buyer managed to grab it when a freshly baked very small batch of about 8 loaves of toasts appeared.

The kitchen that prepares the freshly baked items.

*** Oriental Kopi ***

11.36 am - our favourite mihun turmeric chicken boneless meat 17.90++, favourite butter Kaya toast 4.9++ which taste great as before.

11.31 am - white coffee hot 6.4++ and 2 eggs 4.6++
Total MYR 39.20 nett for food shared by 2 pax.

Morning 43.75

Parking 4
Muji mesh seat cushion 24.95
Muji mesh napping mat 79
Muji total 103.95

*** The End ***


  1. u queued for almost 1.5 hours to enter shop and another hour just to pay? I don't think i will enter that shop although i'm attracted to 50% off promo. 2.5 hours++ stuck in a shop is too much of my luxury time, lol! It is a weekday and yet so many people....The shop owner couldn't decide with Verona (single r) and Verrona (double r)!

    1. Hahahaha, after being in the q for about 1 hour, felt like walking away but then will waste that 1 hour used to q so might as well see it through. Ya, better not to join the q unless buying a few trays like some people did. Hahahaha u noticed the r and rr. I didn't even notice it. Lol! 😂

  2. Wah, you were willing to join the long long queue and what a stash of indulgence you got! Must be nice to eat those pastries and bakes.

    1. I didn't know that it would be almost 3 hours. If I did, I wouldn't have joined the q 😂 😅

      Now I am finding it difficult to eat so much. I have to eat the bread everyday for I think one week because no one to give the bread and cakes to.

  3. Nice.. nya shopping at muji, love muji color. The sweet treats looks so tempting. Long q must be very delicous.

    1. Muji color is all earth tones. Long q because of the 50 % off.
