Sunday, March 9, 2025

Hor Fun not Yellow Mee

On Sunday 9.mar.2025, I suggested Chun Heong bangsar for his favourite dry 3jc horfun mihun and then Midvalley Mall again because the mall is located on our way back. In Midvalley Mall, of course we went to eat our favourite coconut kaya butter toasts at oriental Kopi.

*** Chun Heong bangsar ***

7.40 am - his hot cham drink MYR 2.50 nett
He ordered 3jc dry noodles MYR 10 nett and was surprised 😯 to see it was yellow noodles mixed with mihun instead of our favourite hor fun mixed with mihun. He is not sure what he said to the seller, whether he said yellow noodles or the seller made a mistake so just forget it and just eat.

7.46 am - because hor fun and mihun is our favourite, I went to order one more bowl of dry 3jc Hor fun mihun MYR 10 nett. This is because the yellow noodles gave a totally different taste. It is salty and cause the soy sauce to be not as fragrant. I confirmed that the special soy sauce taste is only available in the dry horfun mihun combination and not in the dry yellow noodles mihun combination.

7.52 am - he also ordered a bowl of misua pork soup noodles which is shared with me too as I will help him to eat all the misua.

8.00 am - after I ate all the noodles in both bowls of 3jc, I ate all the remaining misua in the bowl in the photo above.

*** Oriental kopi Midvalley Mall ***

8.40 am - his hot white coffee MYR 6.5++
Two soft boiled eggs MYR 4.6++

8.35 am - my iced white coffee MYR 9.8++
Our favourite coconut kaya butter toasts MYR 4.9++
Total MYR 29.95 nett

After that, we walked around the mall until 10 am for the shops only open at 10 am. Bought a padlock 10.30 nett.

Morning 43.50
Next morning 43.65
Water went up by 150g even though I completed my omad at 9 am. I am amazed that I don't feel hungry and can water fast till the next day 9 am which is doing intermittent fasting with 24 hours of water fasting.

*** The End ***

1 comment:

  1. Good that you and hubby like the same noodles! I can't generally share food with hubby as we don't like the same things.
