Friday, July 19, 2024

New Eatery Sri Petaling

On Friday 19.jul.2024, went to try out a new eatery in Sri Petaling that just opened about one week I think. It was his idea.

*** Ah Muk Cha Chaan Teng ***

10.34 am - tobiko prawn cheesy baked rice MYR 17.90+ which is very rich and creamy. The salt level is just right 👍 Had to wait for it to cool down before eating it as it was served very piping hot. I was feeling full after eating one quarter as it was very rich and creamy as mentioned above.

10.13 am - both of us selected main meals from these two pages of popular items in this eatery.

10.16 am - 3 pastries MYR 10.90+ which is lard char siew pastry, egg tart and polo bun char siew. All taste ok.

10.23 am - his hot coffee non sweet MYR 4.90+ and his mixian pork chop in tomato soup MYR 18.90+

10.25 am - my chilled ying Yong aka cham drink MYR 7.50+ and my prawn cheesy baked rice MYR 18.90+ 

10.31 am - the egg tart is very creamy and easy to eat.

10.38 am - my portion of his mixian. I like the tomato soup because it is sourish. The pork chop is tender. I ate this mixian after eating one quarter of my cheese baked rice so I was full after this but continued to stuff all the cheese baked rice into my tummy so I was super duper full and thus, my Omad is completed for this day.

11.09 am - total bill is MYR 66.10 nett. We parked the car at the store open Aired car park for 2 hours MYR 4 nett.

10.01 am - this new eatery has the yellow signboard. The branch at Taman Desa is going to open soon so we will go there on Sundays.

10.15 am - nice interior 

10.15 am - the entrance 

Morning 43.75
Next morning 43.95

*** The End ***


  1. i didn't notice this new eatery....thanks for recommending, will try it out if got chance.
