Sunday, May 26, 2024

Eggs Eggs

On Sunday 26.may.2024, resume our Sunday brunch chapfan no rice at Tuck Tuck Tek Taman Desa and he bought takeaway chapfan no rice from Sing Kee Kitchen a few doors away.

*** Tuck Tuck Tei ***

10.25 am - 2 chapfan no rice 1 cham ping MYR 18.20 nett completes my Omad.

*** Sing Kee kitchen Taman Desa ***

3.16 pm - his takeaway chapfan no rice of braised pork, braised egg, pumpkin and vegetarian chye MYR 11 nett.

Morning 44.7
Evening 44.7
Next morning 44.2

*** The End ***


  1. I love those braised eggs!

    1. Same here. If there are braised eggs or tea eggs, I will definitely buy for my omad.
