Friday, January 19, 2024

Seven Canteen

On Friday 19.jan.2024, kid4 flew back to say goodbye to the elderly.

*** Thursday 18.jan.2024 ***

2.44 pm - he ate this bowl of 3jc dry MYR 11.80 and a cup of hot coffee MYR 2 for his early dinner before going to the hospital. I didn't eat any of his food because my omad was completed much earlier.

The new eatery in ssg called Seven Canteen. Business hasn't picked up yet. Serves noodles and one dish rice.

*** Status ***

Yesterday we grabbed to hospital at 3.20 pm and waited till 5 pm to see the nephrologist who informed us that no point to do dialysis since the heart is also failing. He said could be the very same night, the elderly may move on but till today we didn't get the call so the elderly is still hanging on.

The isolation ward doesn't allow visitors but since the elderly is going soon, they allowed kid1 and him to see the elderly one by one. The elderly is alert despite having the 4x pressurized oxygen mask on and told them that legs are painful and having cramps. Also say very uncomfortable. No last words because the elderly doesn't want to go.

So today kid4 flew back to say goodbye. I think this moving on process may take longer than the doctors estimated because they don't know the elderly is very resilient and is not willing to go so I think may take up to 7 to 14 days. Hopefully kid4 can persuade the elderly to move on peacefully.


  1. It is sad and there comes a time when we have to let our loved ones go. The elderly might be worried about the one at home. I understand that they need some words of assurance before they are willing to let go. Nature will take its course and pray that the elderly has a peaceful transition.

    1. I have spoken to the elderly before about death many years ago. The elderly says is afraid of what is there but now has accepted Jesus Christ as saviour and lord so shouldn't be afraid anymore. I don't think the elderly worries about the one at home. Just brought the one at home to visit the one in ward. Just look n c only, nothing said. Still hanging on. Kid4 visited and couldn't hold back the tears.

  2. Oh dear. The kids have been so united taking care of the elderly. Sad cycle of life.

    1. Not really united. No syncing of duties so that resources can be efficient. Each do their own thing only to take care of the Elderlies, didn't really work together. If in a organization, already means not efficient organization.

    2. Can be a sensitive topic coz it can easily be interpreted as 'I'm doing more than you' kind of context.

    3. But it is a fact that it needs to be discussed to ensure the workload is equally shared.
