Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rain Rain Rain

On Tuesday 20.aug.2024, it was raining they whole day so we just went to nearby Tim Won to have early brunch.

*** Fav Trotter Mi ***

8.47 am - today he chose all the food items. Ckt petai and I requested to add one fried egg. Total MYR 12 nett. Tasty but the salty taste level is a bit too much for my liking. It is the slightly wet type of ckt cooking style.

8.38 am - his trotter wanton mi MYR 12 nett and a cup of hot cham MYR 2.50 nett.

I ate about half a pack of pistachios and about 6 pineapple rolls tarts that have been in the fridge for a few months now after I got back.

Morning 44.35
Next morning 44.75
Pineapple 🍍 tarts retain water

*** The End ***


  1. Oh ya, it rained yesterday as I was walking to my brother's house. The CKT looks delicious with the added fried egg. I would prefer CKT to be fried dry as I prefer dry noodles.

    1. Did you bring an umbrella with you beforehand? Ya, I also prefer dry ckt.

  2. I noticed CKT Malay-style is wet - guess some like it with some sauce. My preference is also dry.
