Saturday, September 7, 2024

Steamed Garoupa Fish 52+n3

On Saturday 7.sep.2024, we walked to eat brunch at the newly opened Big Eye Restaurant. It opens at 10 am.

*** Big Eye Restaurant ssg ***

11.18 am - I ordered this promo steamed 1 whole garoupa fish MYR 98+ he asked and was told around 1 kg to 1.2 kg fish.

11.18 am - smooth flaky meat so is fresh and tasty. The soy sauce is not those very salty type.

11.11 am - he ordered a small portion of salted egg yolk squid MYR 32+ which is very tasty with deep fried curry leaves.

11.11 am - he asked me not to eat the cucumber and lettuce leaves used for decor as he says for decor so may not be washed. Not sure why they put a paper peacock decor on this dish.

11.19 am - I ordered this small portion of deshelled prawns and tofu MYR 28+ which I like and will order again.

11.19 am - a teapot of poh lei tea at MYR 1.80+ for each pax and 1 big portion of rice MYR 2.30+ to share for the two of us.

12.08 noon - delicious and satisfying brunch for 2 pax at MYR 173.75 nett.

12.36 noon - nice rooftop.

12.43 noon - 1st floor for banquets.

12.41 noon - door leading to staircase to go up to the rooftop.

10.53 am - opening congratulatory flower stands.

10.55 am - interior

12.45 noon - shop front

*** Million Ocean ***

12.50 noon - 2 iced cham drinks MYR 3.30 nett each before we walk home in the hot weather. They gave us one kosong so one is not sweet at all though we didn't request for kosong 😅 

Morning 44.50
Next morning 44.30

*** Bones ***

12.30 noon - only bones remain.

*** Fruit stall ***

1.16 pm - he bought two packs of coconut juice from this stall. One pack is one coconut MYR 5.50 nett. This is the only time I drank coconut juice and had a lot of air in my tummy. Must be the combination of food created a lot of gas.

*** The End ***


  1. Heh my hubby is like that as well. Has hygiene on his mind more than me.

    1. Ya, better to be safe than get food poisoning later.
