Friday, September 6, 2024

Steak 52+n2

On Friday 6.sep.2024, many unexpected things happened so it was a long day.

*** Estate Coffeehouse Taman Midah ***

9.44 am - I ordered Steak MYR 69.90++ The sides are shredded cauliflower, salad, tomatoes and zucchini. The small cup of liquid butter is supposed to be poured over the steak but I don't think it is necessary to do so. Therefore, I didn't pour but just dip a few pieces of steak in the liquid butter.

10.12 am - I requested for just cooked so no red juice flowing out.

9.39 am - the only dish he thinks he can eat here, nasi lemak bertingkat MYR 27.90++ because he thinks all the dishes have butter in them and this is the only dish that most likely won't have any butter but he gave me a slice of cucumber and says this slice of cucumber got in contact with butter in the kitchen. He ordered this dish during the previous visit too.

9.34 am - my iced long black MYR 10.90++ and his hot long black MYR 9.90++

Total bill MYR 137.60 nett.

10.24 am - he let me eat the remaining nasi lemak to try the taste. I ate half the sweet savoury sambal but couldn't eat all of it because it is way too flavourful for me.

Morning 45.25 
Next morning 44.50
Eating meat very little rice and herbal jelly can get rid of water retention 

*** Koong Woh Tong Pearl Point ***

11.48 am - MYR 15 nett for a large tub of cold herbal jelly to share by 2 of us though he prefers the hot version. Cold is more refreshing so I always order the cold version.

*** LS Tyre Auto Services ssg ***

1.53 pm - the car heat indicator suddenly lit up so he took the car to check and found leaks at joining parts so changed the above items.

3.16 pm - the items changed MYR 741.40 nett.

"he used a special cap with a pump then pressured the newly filled fluid and watched for leak"
Leaks are at the joints.

*** Hospital Pharmacy ***

8.30 am - I was no. 17 in the queue to buy subsidized meds for the elderly. 2 types of meds for 2 months MYR 222 nett.

*** A long day ***

7.40 am - drove the car to his childhood home to get a pack of Dr.P pants to send to the elderly with the meds to be collected.

7.48 am - he got back to the car and asked me, why is the patient hospital card on top of the car boot when I was about to ask him where are the two prescription forms for me to collect the meds from the hospital since I cannot find them in the file in his bag in the car.

We concluded that he must have put the two forms and the card on top of the car and forgot about them and drove away until the card fell to the back of the car boot and the two forms flew away so he quickly drive back to look for the two forms.

Found one form on the road in front of our neighbour's house 50 m from our house and one form 100 m from our house on the grass next to the drain beside the main road. Luckily it wasn't raining and we can find the forms, else we have to request the hospital to print them again. The form on the road has signs of being driven over by cars but is still usable.

8.20 am - reached the hospital. The subsidized meds counter is only open at 8.30 am so I went to collect the foc meds at the Call and Collect counter first and then return to queue at the subsidized meds counter.

8.53 am - collected the meds and he picked me up.

9.16 am to 10.16 - ate brunch at Estate coffeehouse taman midah.

10.20 am - he bought one char siew bao and one red bean bao from the opposite corner coffee shop for the elderly.

10.30 am - while driving the car heat indicator lit up so he stopped at a petrol station to check the car engine.

Sent the meds, baos and other items to the elderly.

11.38 am - I noticed that my left foot is a bit swollen. Water retention again, same foot. Hhmmmmm.

12 noon - went to pearl point shopping mall. Ate herbal jelly MYR 15 nett and bought a tub of crunchy peanut butter steffi MYR 17 nett. Parking fees MYR 2.50 nett.

12.50 noon - he went to check the car and I walked back home from the auto service shop.

3 pm - he got home from the auto shop MYR 741.40 lighter.

*** Estate coffeehouse menu ***

10.07 am - the steak I ordered 

10.07 am - the nasi lemak he ordered.

*** Pearl point shopping mall ***

12.18 noon - BiaoDi Kopitiam, maybe we will eat here one day.

12.13 noon - jaya grocer grain fed beef looks nice, clean and convenient to cook immediately.

MYR 18.30 nett for 200g of Australian premium chilled grain fed beef eye round slices.

MYR 24.10 nett for 250g of Australian premium chilled grain fed rump steak.

I didn't look for grass fed beef so I don't know whether it is available in jaya grocer or not. Is grass fed beef nicer to eat than grain fed beef?

*** The End ***


  1. What an eventful day! My aunt once placed a tray of keropok on top of her car to dry in the sun. Later she drove to pick up her son from school. On the way home, she saw a tray with keropok on the road that looked very familiar. LOL! Anyway, thank God the hospital forms were recovered. The steak you had looks very tasty and properly cooked.

    I find Grain fed beef tastier as it is more fatty compared to grass fed that is lean. I read that grass fed is healthier for us but some say that there is negligible difference.

    1. Thank you for your insight on grain fed and grass fed beef 👍 Yes, this steak is very decent and priced ok. They cooked it just as I requested too.

      Hahaha, about your Aunt. Did she stop the car to collect her tray on the roadside?

      Lesson learnt is must check nothing is on the car before using the car. I must remember to check everytime.

      Yes lucky we found the forms on the road else need to get them.pronted again and the day would be longer.

    2. Yes, my aunt stopped to collect the tray but I don't know what happened to the keropok >.<

    3. I don't think the keropok can be salvaged. Must be all crushed by passing cars.

  2. Weather has been super hot here, I would like to enjoy the herbal jelly.

    Love the look of the steak. Yum yum.

    1. Cold herbal jelly is really nice to eat. The steak is very decent too.

  3. So lucky to have found the forms! My experience was with gloves... upon realising what happened, drove out again using the same route and managed to find one in middle of the road nearby. The other was miraculously found about 5 mins away.

    1. Yes, really PTL 🙏
      Wah, you also got put things on car and drive car out. Good that you also managed to find the gloves but you must have searched a long way since 5 mins drive should be quite far.

    2. It was only the one time? So far lah haha.
