Sunday, January 5, 2014

An apple ...

..a day keeps the doctor away. And I believe it so everyday I eat two apples (kiasu) - one red and one green and an orange.

I eat them first thing in the morning before eating anything else. This is just my preference as the recommended thing to do is just to include 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in our diet each day from a variety of sources and colours.

Therefore I should really eat other fruits too especially local fruits but it is just so convenient to eat these 3 and they only cost me around MYR1 each.


  1. Nowaday, i also eat fruits in the morning before eating breakfast...

  2. I love fruits too but sometimes too lazy to eat. But I tried my best to take an apple/orange before my lunch.

  3. Fruits are important, I make sure I eat at least a type everyday ;)

  4. ahem...if doctor is hensem then can throw away the apple la *wink wink*
