Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sweet Sour Vinegar Trotter

On Sunday 2.jun.2024, went to midvalley mall and bought things to send to my friend. Before that we ate breakfast at Bangsar. Early dinner at Fatty mok eatery on the way back.

*** Chun Heong Bangsar ***

8.49 am - I ordered a plate of char siew MYR 12 nett. Sweet salty firm meat with firm fatty bits.

8.50 am - we sat right in front of this char siew roast chicken stall as the coffee shop is full.

8.50 am - he ordered a set of hot Cham drink, 2 eggs, butter kaya toasts MYR 8.8 nett and our favourite gooey 3jc dry noodles. 

8.52 am - when they served the two eggs in hot water, they gave the instructions to wait for 7 minutes before eating the eggs for them to be soft boiled eggs.

9.08 am - we noticed this new branch of pedal spot shop.

*** Midvalley mall ***

9.26 am - long queue at Oriental Kopi as usual.

9.28 am - omega pork noodles shop is now in midvalley mall where mph used to be located, near to Go Noodles.

9.42 am - cex is now at midvalley mall too so it is convenient for everyone to sell their preloved items here.

*** Teo chew Penang chendul ***

11.35 am - I ordered the set with curry noodles, cendol and pandan chicken MYR 29.70 nett which we shared. Then I bought a large glass of coffee o kosong iced MYR 5.5 nett from the drinks stall because I am afraid the cendol may be too sweet which it isn't so I need the coffee to clear my mouth of the too sweet taste.

11.51 am - the minced pandan chicken tastes similar to rendang otak otak.

*** Kim Zen Pop Corn Food Court ***

1.03 pm - bought this bowl of vinegar trotter MYR 24.50 nett and pour the whole bowl into my container to send to my friend.

*** Fatty Mok ytf ***

2.29 pm - he ordered his early dinner MYR 21.50 of:
Curry ribs noodles which we shared MYR 13
Fried tofu, okra, chili ytf MYR 2 each
I ordered herbal tea iced aka pak ji Chao drink MYR 2.5 because I was very thirsty.

He then bought takeaway water cress vegetables soup MYR 8 nett from Tim Won.

Morning 44.15
Next morning 44.65

*** The End ***

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