Saturday, June 8, 2024

Strawberry Sando

On Saturday 8.jun.2024, parked the car quite a distance from Tim won so walked there for brunch and then I walked to Family Mart to buy snacks and he walked to get the car to drive to family Mart to pick me up.

*** Family Mart Snacks ***

Yesterday I ate Smoky BBQ chicken wrap from family mart so today I wanted to try the Dakgalbi chicken wrap but it was not available so I bought alternatives.

11.03 am - I ate this strawberry Sando MYR 7.80 nett immediately when I got home. There are two strawberry sandwiches in one pack.

Tastes good πŸ‘ πŸ˜‹ because the sponge cake is only very lightly sweet to match with the sweet sour fresh strawberries. The cream is light and no dairy milky taste, not as light as chateraise Hokkaido cream but it is still delicious.

I will buy the black forest Sando next. I believe it is chocolate sponge cake with cherries.

10.31 am - the three items I bought from family mart. Total is MYR 18.40 nett.

Since Dakgalbi chicken wrap is not available, I looked for Sausage cheese kimchi rice gimbap bought from Family Mart at RM11.90 nett that NuxV recommended:

Found it but it looks like a lot of rice so I kiv it for next time. This time, I just buy a salted salmon onigiri MYR 4.90 nett and a pack of chicken floss egg mayo sandwich MYR 5.70 nett as per his request.

10.55 am - salted salmon onigiri MYR 4.70 nett. The seaweed is still crispy. The salmon is not at all that salty, just a tiny weeny bit. Rice is al dente so this onigiri tastes good πŸ‘ 😊 meaning I can buy it again on cheat days.

*** Yat Sing Smokehouse ***

1.02 pm - I walked past Yat Sing Smokehouse on my way from Tim Won to family mart and saw this craft beer trail poster. Wonder what it is.πŸ€”

*** Tim Won ***

At Tim Won, he chose all the items and I just ate the remaining portion of each item after he was done with them.

9.51 am - Cham ping MYR 4 nett.
Prawn mi MYR 9 nett.

9.56 am - trotters dry wanton noodles MYR 12 nett.

10.08 am - my portion of the remaining items. πŸ˜‚ 

Morning 44.25
Next morning 43.9

*** Happy Extended Family ***

10.13 am - this happy Extended Family of grandparents, parents and a young girl having their meal together reminds me of the time when my paternal grandfather was living with us. He moved on when I was 8 years old. My paternal grandmother had moved on when my father was 7 years old so we don't know her. My maternal grandmother is now 108 years old in a good caring home in TaiChung.

Sooner or later when a couple grow old, they will live together with one of their children unless they require constant monitoring or too frequent basic services. In the latter case, it is best that they move to a good warm home that can fulfill their requirements else it is good for grandchildren to grow up with grandparents in a loving home. In this way, grandchildren can appreciate and learn about the process of growing into golden years until moving on time.

I remember it took 3 days for my grandfather to move on. Everyday my father would put on my grandfather's favourite music blasting very loudly for him because he was hard of hearing at that time and he was drifting in and out, not needing food or water anymore. After everyone has visited him and with his favourite music accompanying him, he finally moved on, on the 3rd day. His wake was held in my childhood home and all my cousins and relatives gathered at the house as if it is a joyous gathering. It was a 24/7 service. Very boisterous ambiance.

Ah, the memories ...

*** The End ***


  1. wow, you still have a centenarian old grandma around. All my grandpas/grandmas have moved on for more than 3 decades already. My maternal grandpa died in the 1960s so none of my cousins has seen him, similar case to your paternal grandma. My grandparents would be around your maternal grandma's age if they are still around. I think i only dined out once with 3 generations together, coz the older generation are not that keen on dining out last time.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Now your generation is the parents and your parents are the grandparents. πŸ’•

    2. lol, indeed that I'm now the 'parents' generation. It feels 'old' when my cousin's Gen Z children address me as 'auntie'. Gosh, they are so grown up (in their 20s)!

    3. Wah, your cousin's must be very much older than you and your sister.

    4. Just a few years older, and one same as me😐

    5. Wah, then your cousins must have married and have children when they are very young since their children are now in the 20s. You are just in your late 30s.

  2. I also remember my paternal grandparents funeral. It was a couple of years apart and I was in my early 20s when both passed on. My maternal grandma is still around, in her 90s. Wow, your grandma is still around. Really living a long life.

    1. Oh, your maternal grandma is also living a long long life? Who is she staying with?

  3. I'm on a Family mart kick too! A lot of their offerings are pretty good. Buy the voucher bundle on their app to save - e.g. rm50 for 6xrm10 vouchers.
