Saturday, June 22, 2024

Blackforest Sando

On Saturday 22.jun.2024, went to Hou's Kopitiam early because they open at 7 am to drink my favourite iced salted butter coffee and to break my water fasting of almost 24 hours because I stopped eating yesterday at about 9 am before going for my tooth fillings.

*** Blackforest Sando ***

10.15 am - my 2nd pack of chocolate sponge cake cherry fruit Sando. Very tasty. Not that sweet so very suitable for me. I like both this Sando and strawberry Sando.

9.41 am - bought two packs.

9.47 am - ate one pack and then decided to eat the next pack as well because too tasty 😋 🤤 
Omad completed at 11 am.

Morning 43.45
Next morning 42.80

*** Hou's kopitiam taman continental ***

8.29 am - my bowl of mihun horfun chicken shreds fish cake taugeh clear soup MYR 8 nett. If pepper soup then is MYR 9 nett. I ate everything using the right side of my mouth. Quite a lot of noodles. My favourite iced salted butter coffee MYR 5 nett.
His two half boiled eggs which he put inside his curry noodles MYR 3.50 nett.

8.27 am - his hot Hainan coffee MYR 4 nett for a large glass. If hot small cup is MYR 3 nett. His siew yuk curry mihun mee MYR 12.90 nett.

Total price MYR 33.4 nett

*** Frozen Sui Gao ***

1.50 pm - his early dinner of frozen Sui gao. He kept some floury skin for me which I put in the freezer.

*** The End ***


  1. You are tempting me with the Blackforest Sando! I am thinking of making butter coffee at home. Does the butter coagulate in your iced drink?

    1. Yes do go try the blackforest Sando and strawberry Sando and see which one you prefer.

      The butter doesn't coagulate but some salted butter didn't get blended in totally so there may be one or two very tiny pieces of salted butter in the drink so I just eat up these tiny pieces of salted butter.

  2. Delicious blackfiorest sando, love it too. Yes agree not to sweet, light cream. The soup looks good too!

  3. Now I am craving for black forest cake!! Yum yum

  4. How is your tooth feeling? Are you going to crown it?

    1. Occasionally it will be a bit sensitive. No need to crown as the tooth still has a large area of its own enamel intact. U r NuxV ?

  5. Been a while since I had these sandos. I'd decided I preferred the strawberry to the black forest.
