Monday, April 6, 2015

Rice diet

I noticed this stall in Dec last year. Back then, they were just selling egg on sticks.

Now I noticed that they have rice meals on their menu

This caught my eyes

For those who love to eat rice to justify going on a diet with rice


  1. I always go for wholegrain rice - bread and pasta too.

    1. Since you do not eat grainfed cows, I thought you are against wholegrain.

  2. They've progressed from the sticks? Everything is good, rice or eggs ...but in moderation. I knew an old man who lived to over 100, my uncle's father-in-law and he had two eggs every morning for breakfast all throughout his life and when he died, he still had all his teeth, believe it or not.

  3. Is it? I thought we should cut on carbo??

    1. Should cut carb if really want to be thin but eating rice is better than eating sugar and fat - I guess that is what the article is trying to say - eat rice and less sweet brownies and ice cream.

  4. I thought rice and potatoes are carbo? But I can't live without rice also, everyday must have rice..

  5. i guess the business is not good as expected so they have to diversify and start selling more varieties of stuffs.. yes, i have always heard and read about rice diet, i guess it's basically filling and provides you enough energy, and you don't think about eating more, hehe!! :p

    1. For people who likes to eat lots of sweet cakes and ice cream, I guess it is better to eat rice than to eat ice cream and cakes.

  6. Hey, all of us know carbs make us feel full longer....but they also make us fat! ;D When I have a meal of just salad alone, I get hungry a lot faster (and my hands will tremble) and that's when I have to grab a pc of bread and quickly "telan" it.

    1. True, eating lots of carb and not burning them away will make us fat.

  7. I suspect this research is only applicable to Americans. They don't eat rice, but they eat other carbs like potatoes, bread, pies etc, together with maple syrup or full cream toppings. When we compare those with rice, then obviously rice comes out on top.

  8. I m scared of cholesterol sigh. Rice I refuse to believe is bad. :p

    1. Some people with very nice reading for cholesterol still get stroke. Rice is not bad unless eat too much of it.

  9. I'm afraid I don't agree with that research. Dieters should restrict the amount of rice they eat.

  10. I am a rice lover, 'fan tong'! Hehe!

  11. I eat rice for lunch and dinner..

  12. I am shocked to read the diet advice which doesn't sound logic. My wife tried so hard to slim down with rigorous exercise and lesser food but it didn't work much. Finally she cut out carbo 100% and lost over 20kgs! That was few years ago and it maintained.

    1. If really want to lose lots of weight, better do as your wife does. Leave out eating carb.
