Thursday, November 23, 2023

Confirm Slip

On Thursday 23.nov.2023, went to Golden Chopsticks for brunch and then to hospital to get confirmation for CT scan date. Then back to the elderly's place to prepare lunch by steaming Wednesday's dinner.

10.59 am - 2 chapfan no rice and one hot drink MYR 17.3 nett in total.

11.48 am - went to hospital to get this appointment confirmation slip.

1.44 pm - I ate all the nasi lemak from the previous day.

12.36 noon - elderly's lunch from Wednesday's dinner.


  1. The plates used at the chap fan shop is so pretty. Usually such shops would use those plain colored ones. Did you eat the nasi lemak from the previous day straight out from the fridge?

    1. Yes I did. The nasi lemak is eaten cold, directly from the fridge. 😄
