Friday, May 10, 2024

Saba Salmon RB Mochi Bun

On Friday 10.may.2024, went to Midvalley Mall to perform replacement 12 while he went to eat brunch at Nanyang Cafe.

*** Nanyang Cafe Midvalley Mall ***

After I have completed my task, I rendezvous with him and ate the remaining noodles. Saw the Nanyang Cafe buns and bought two buns as takeaway.

3 pm - I ate both buns when we got home. He just tried a little bit of both buns.
Left - taro salted egg yolk bun MYR 6.5++
Right - red bean mochi bun MYR 6.5++

Red Bean Mochi Bun with just a tiny little bit of mochi next to the red bean fillings. Some of the red beans still maintain their shape so they are firm. Not that sweet.

The taro salted egg yolk bun is soft similar to the red bean mochi bun. I couldn't detect any salted egg yolk taste. The taro fillings have a subtle taro taste. Not that sweet too.

11.41 am - he ordered braised trotters noodles MYR+8.9++ in soup which is a new item on the menu. The noodles are thick mixian by default. 

*** Rakuzen The Gardens Mall ***

After that, it was between red Kettle and rakuzen and I decided on Rakuzen.

12.18 noon - very tender okra MYR 9++ with foc hot green tea drinks.

12.19 noon - Saba shioyaki lunch set MYR 33++ which we shared.

12.29 noon - salmon shioyaki ala carte MYR 29++

12.53 noon - total price is MYR 75.25 nett.

Morning 42.85
Evening 44.1

*** The End ***


  1. The buns look pretty side-by-side. Mochi seems an odd addition as a bun filling, but tastes good enough.

    1. Very little mochi in the red bean bun. All their buns in the glass counter looks very pretty.
