Monday, June 3, 2024

Mutton wanton mee

On Monday 3.jun.2024, we went to New Lian Hin for breakfast and then walked to Hou's Kopitiam for coffee.

*** New Lian Hin ***

9.40 am - he ordered garlic bread with wobbly eggs MYR 7.9 nett.

9.29 am - my mutton dry wanton noodles MYR 16.90 nett. He tried a bit and says the gravy has mutton taste so he didn't eat the noodles as he doesn't like the taste of mutton. We shared the small portion of curry noodles MYR 10 nett. The big portion costs MYR 12 nett. His hot Cham drink costs MYR 2.6 so total price is MYR 37.40 nett.

9.23 am - this is the stall we bought our noodles from.

*** Hou's Kopitiam Taman Continental ***

10.17 am - after our breakfast, we walked to drink my salted butter coffee MYR 5 nett. I also ordered red bean tong sui which has orange peel taste which he likes. The deep fried wantons go well with red bean tong sui.

Morning 44.65
Next morning 44.2

*** The End ***


  1. i will go safe with char siew wanton mee coz i couldn't stand strong gamey mutton taste too.

    1. This mutton has nice 5 spice taste as it is braised with the 5 spice, no strong mutton taste. He is just too sensitive, a little bit of mutton taste he also cannot accept.
