Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Early ABC

On Wednesday 12.jun.2024, he chose to go to Kokan coffee shop for brunch. After that I suggested to go to ABC Temerluh to eat ABC.

*** Kokan ***

This Kokan coffee shop is always full so we need to queue for a while before getting 2 seats at a table just big enough for 5 pax, sharing the table with 3 strangers.

9.35 am - he ordered char kway teow MYR 9 nett and chicken feet mushrooms wanton noodles MYR 10 nett.

9.36 am - his hot coffee MYR 2.60 nett. We shared all the food as per usual.

3 pm - he bought sausage, siew yuk and char siew ribs MYR 15 nett from the roast meat stall in Kokan for his early dinner. I ate the final 8 of 8 remaining tea egg bought the previous wed with 3 to 4 slices of green gardenia wholemeal bread for early dinner.

*** ABC Temerluh ***

10.12 am - his 2 soft boiled eggs MYR 3.90 which he ate with lots of pepper powder.

10.04 am - my ABC MYR 6.50 with one empty bowl that they gave us by default because they thought we wanted to share the ABC which we do share but we didn't use that empty bowl. This ABC has coarsely shaved ice which is ok with me. Acceptable ABC.

Morning 43.95
Next morning 44.3

*** The End ***

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