Thursday, June 20, 2024

41 hours Water Fast

On Thursday 20.jun.2024, I went for the dental appointment without eating anything and after that, didn't eat anything until the next morning so I water fast from wed 3 pm to Fri 8 am which is 41 hours of water fasting.

Morning 43.55
Next morning 42.8

*** Omega Midvalley Mall ***

10.46 am - his noodles while waiting for me. He didn't finished eating the mihun and he just walked away.

10.44 am - view from his seat.

10.41 am - add one egg so total price is MYR 25.40 nett.

*** ACL midvalley mall ***

12.37 noon - coffee time. He ordered a hot cham drink MYR 5.90++ and he said 2 eggs but the staff thought 2 sets of eggs so he paid for MYR 4.5++ x 2 which is MYR 9++ so on this day he ate 5 eggs in total because I didn't eat anything.

12.23 noon - total price for 1 cham and 4 eggs MYR 15.80 nett.

I bought 3 tea eggs from purple cane at MYR 6 nett. 1 tea egg is MYR 2.50 nett so there is a discount for 3 tea eggs. Also bought green multi grain bread MYR 10.50 ISH and Australia oats bread.

Watson mentos pf lime fb 6.75

*** Appointment ***

Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ 
Photos of teeth

11.10 am ISH - the bottom tooth which has root canal in 2002 has the top quarter right broken. Opg x-ray MYR 170 nett.

The tooth after the top right quarter has been removed. MYR 100 nett.

That piece of tooth that has been removed.

*** The End ***

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