Friday, November 26, 2021

Spotted CNY Goodies

Friday 26.nov.21 is kid 1's day but we still have to go buy bread and deliver it to the elderly because the elderly says that the previous time kid 1 bought bread, there was difficulty in double parking and jumping down with the car unattended just to pop into the shop to buy just a loaf of bread so we have to make a special trip on not his day to buy and deliver one loaf of bread to the elderly. Since we are out, we also bought food for the whole day and breakfast the next day.

At the grocery shop, while selecting bread placed outside the shop, I heard coughing so I peered into the shop and saw a customer at the cashier counter paying for a tray of eggs and coughing hard with the mask pulled down exposing the mouth and nose. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️I suspect the mask was pulled down because the mask has to be used for the whole day to save on masks. Talking about not being clear of the concept.

The customer was coughing with the mask pulled down exposing the mouth and nose so I hope it is just a common cold as the nose looks obviously red and not the dreaded virus. I contemplated abandoning my buying bread but then thought better of it and waited till the coughing customer has exited the shop, held my breath, quickly paid at the counter next to the counter where the coughing happened and ran out. Hopefully the aerosol droplets didn't get me. I wore double masks but left my face shield at home. Now to wait 21 days.

9.12 am - These are the cny Goodies being sold by Swee Heng coffee shop. I guess CNY is near! Are you looking forward to CNY?

10.25 am - duck egg ckt from swee Heng at MYR 8.50 nett. The gao choy aka chives are hinting to us not to eat so much ckt. Can you spot the hint?

The food we bought on this trip out:

1. Hakka zhar yuk muk yee rice from Lucky Alley MYR 7 nett.
2. Gardenia Wholemeal bread one loaf from kk mart MYR 3.30 nett.
3. Pork trotters wanton Mee dry from BC&S coffee shop MYR 8.50 nett.

Food from Swee Heng:
4. Rojak MYR 7 nett.
5. Pork yee Mee MYR 7 nett.
6. Ling Fish Mee Hoon without milk MYR 13 nett.
7. One pack of two green pandan angku kuih MYR 2.30 nett.
8. Hot hainan tea coffee MYR 2.90 nett.
9. Duck ckt MYR 8.50 nett.


  1. Yes..i spotted some restaurant promoting poonchoi meal too. I guess nxt month will hav ppl dining out with 'saugong zhou'...Gardenia bread will increase price on 1 Dec. Things getting expensive when 'economy reopens' after the long lockdown๐Ÿ™„.

    1. Ya, I guess your company also will have team makan for year end. Let's see what else will increase price now that bread will increase price.

  2. Haha. Christmas is not even here yet. So fast, selling CNY goodies.

    Yes, definitely looking forward to CNY, the relaxing and cooping at home part. Lol. Not much of a celebration, just a family gathering Don't think will be doing much visiting unless my youngest is vaccinated. Only him not yet vaccinated. Should be next year for those under 12 years old.

    1. Should be able to go back to home town for cny next year.

  3. Lol! I can see the cross on the ckt wrapper on the right hand side. Prices have gone up, not surprising if the prices of CNY cookies will also go up.

    1. Hahaha, you found the hint. Prices will be up during cny 15 days. After that maybe will be down again.

  4. Lol at the chives hinting with a cross on the wrapper. Yes, I am looking forward to CNY already. Am crossing fingers that this coming CNY we will get to celebrate with our parents as we have not been able to do so the past two years.

    1. Ya cny next year should be able to balik kampung since all vaccinated and with booster too.

  5. I already saw some in my coffee shops around my area. Guess people can't wait for Chinese new year. Or perhaps it is already time to start making money for CNY.

    1. Oh, so cny Goodies already started being sold in malacca also. May ppl who needs $$$ be able to make $$$ with cny Goodies.

  6. Too early to be thinking about CNY!

    1. Ah, u don't want to think about cny now?

    2. Think both cny n Xmas together la. ๐Ÿ˜€The more the merrier. ๐Ÿ˜

  7. Thats scary when theres coughing customer.. But some coughs because of dated mask I assumed.. Look forward to CNY goodies from few neighbours here.

    1. Can see that this coughing person is sick, doesn't look well. Ah, nice to get cny Goodies. ๐Ÿ˜‹
