Sunday, October 17, 2021

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Stick

On Sunday 17.oct.21, we sight see EV Rainbow Bridge and he dropped in twice to check on the elderlies after arranging lunch and dinner to be sent to them. Help to remove the bed sheet and put it into the washing machine.

*** Wed 13.oct.21 ***

8.51 am - ate this as dessert after breakfast.

8.52 am - the coating tastes of caramel butterscotch and has peanuts embedded in it. Ice cream fillings taste a bit creamy.

8.50 am - La Cremeria Peanut Butter Ice Cream stick.

9.06 am - read the ingredients when eat ice cream.

*** Sun 17.oct.21 ***

2.32 pm - I ate this fried radish cake dish cold direct from the fridge and it tastes ok despite being oily and a bit spicy. Bought it the previous day from Bao Hao Dim sum.

5.30 pm - ordered dinner delivery for the elderlies. The vege gravy leaked out a bit so he just wiped it off the container, didn't lodge a report.

12.14 noon - bought 3 items to let the elderlies decide which 2 to eat. Later he brought back the chicken thigh rice which they didn't eat because they ate the two noodles.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes it is for people who love creamy peanut butter.

  2. Great to have ice cream after the breakfast!

    1. Yes, definitely. Are you back from cherating already?

    2. Nope i m still in cherating.

    3. Ah, in cherating, still leave us comments!? Thank you thank you. You should be enjoying yourself sunbathing and getting a good tan! πŸ˜‚

  3. Would love to try the peanut butter ice cream.

  4. The ice cream looks delicious, yea I sonetime took out from fridge and ate. The elderlies prefered noodles.

    1. Oh, you are ok to eat cold food direct from fridge too. πŸ‘The elderlies that day prefer noodles to rice.

  5. You only mentioned the elderlies starting recently... they were independent before?

    Ya radish cake and CKT are very oily.

    1. They are 60% independent before. Now they are 20% independent. Some ckt are not that oily.
