Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Yeah Cuisine Ampang

On Tuesday 24.aug.21, we just stayed home and combined all remaining food from the fridge to eat as our meals for the day.

*** Friday 20.aug.21 ***

We ordered the following 4 porky dishes from Yeah Cuisine, Ampang and ate them for 4 days.

6 pm - shared dinner of nasi lemak 3x with deep fried pork skin and two items which we kept for the next days. They are deep fried lard sambal and pork rendang. We couldn't detect santan taste in the rice.

1.40 pm - two small bags of deep fried lard on the left in the above photo. On the right, the items are sambal, peanut gravy and pork rendang.

6 pm - compressed rice aka nasi impit from ketupat with raw onions and cucumbers. We ate all the raw onions, cucumbers and half the compressed rice. I like the taste of the rice, soft and all the grains melted into each other.

6 pm - pork satay. We ate two skewers so there are only 3 skewers in the photo above. One of the better pork satays around. The satay marinate tastes good.

Sat 21.aug.21 - shared dinner of the pork rendang with home cooked rice. The pork rendang tastes quite similar to the pork satay. Not that spicy.

Sun 22.aug.21 5 pm - pork patty from Yeah Cuisine eaten with instant noodles, remaining compressed rice, lettuce and frozen chicken sui gao Nikudo brand. The pork patty is made from finely minced pork that is compacted so it has a firm texture and do not fall apart easily. Texture and taste is acceptable.

Tue 24.aug.21 12.30 noon - our shared lunch of pork patty from Yeah Cuisine, Guang Xi Chicken from Canton Kitchen and spicy sour mustard leaves from Hong Kong Roasted. So this lunch is to clear remaining food from 3 different places. Eaten with home cooked basmathi white rice. The Guang Xi Chicken gravy is quite oily and the spicy sour gravy is sweet so we discarded the remaining gravy for both.

We ordered the above food items online using oddle platform:

The menu on oddle has tasty photos! This is the nasi Lemak 3x.

This is the pork satay dish in the online menu.

We ordered dried squid and salted fish pork patty, one each but when we ate them, we cannot tell from the taste, which is which. Both are acceptable. The pork is minced finely and compacted so it is firm with no fatty bits. Just right for me because I don't like to eat fatty bits in any of my food.

Tue 24.aug.21 12.30 noon - basmathi white rice to go with the dishes.

Tue 24.aug.21 1 pm - my share of small choy sum vegetables. Blanched without any sauce, my preferred way of eating vegetables.


  1. So much porky goodness in a plateπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹. We also think tht the Guang xi chicken frm Canton Kitchen is oily & discarded the oil before consuming.

    1. He chose the dishes so they are pork centric! πŸ˜‚Hah, so u all also find the gravy oily. They should just save on the oil and use less oil.

  2. So much pork in one post. Haha. Pork skin?? Oh, I would like that as it is crispy.

    1. And all the pork meals are from just one shop, Yeah Cuisine. Oh, the pork skin is like those served in Chee Cheong Fun, they are not crispy.

    2. Oh, like those in Kueh Chap. Not crispy. Then it is ok,not crazy about it but I don't mind as long as it is tasty. I rarely take pork skin, eat only in Kueh Chap.

    3. Oh, kueh chap got pork skin? Because kl seldom have kueh chap, I also don't know whether it has pork skin inside.

  3. Pork rendang and pork satay looks good and delicious. Pork patty looks good too.

    1. They do look good in the menu until tempted him to buy. πŸ˜‹

  4. The Nasi Lemak 3X is very tempting and so is the satay!

    1. Ya, for people who cannot stand the taste of beef or mutton like my spouse, this pork rendang and pork satay is paradise! Lolx! πŸ˜‚

  5. All that pork looks seriously good! RM18 for delivery is really high though.
