Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Sama Sama Lokal Durian Promo

Today is Tuesday 13.jul.21 Day 15 of PPN phase 1. Yesterday, we stayed at home the whole day and ordered two food deliveries: one for his food and one for my food because we like to eat different types of food.

I stayed up the whole of Monday morning to watch Euro 2020 Final from 3 am onwards between England and Italy. Life seems to have returned to normal for everyone in the Wembley Stadium. Then I read this news report:


Back to food. I am going to talk about an exciting promo which will end on Thursday 15 July 2021. I stumbled upon it when using the app yesterday.
4.08 pm - Durians received by my mother. Fast and efficient service. I place the order at 3 pm and by 4 pm, my mother has received the durian.

2 pm - I saw this Giler Durian promo offering MYR 40 off for durians so I decided to use it to order some durian to be delivered directly to my mother.

This promo code is valid to be used 2 times per user and ends on 15 July so I am going to use it again today at 3 pm to buy some durian for myself to freeze and enjoy slowly.

Around 4 pm, I couldn't launch the app because I think the online traffic is too heavy for this promo. Too many users buying food using the promo code. I only managed to access the app at 5 pm when the promo code has been fully redeemed for the day so need to be quick and order it at 3 pm. There are many durian sellers in the list and I randomly choose Sam Lee Enterprise without even knowing where the shop is because it sells D24 durian and I want to buy that.

This is the info of Sam Lee Enterprise on its profile page. It is located near Subang Airport I believe.

3.32 pm - Grab Express arranged by the Sama Sama Lokal app has picked up the durian with the above photo to prove it.

3.50 pm - The order has been delivered and placed outside the gate in a contactless delivery. 

The Delivery fee is only MYR 4.70 nett because MYR 10 has been deducted.  MYR 280.70 nett for about 1.6 kg of durian is quite a good price.

The exact weight of the durian plus the containers is as follows:
纒肉 D168= 425g
ι‡‘εŒ… D13 = 385g 
XO D24= 455g + 462g
Msk D197 = 362g + 402g

We asked my mother to freeze the durian and eat one a day because durian has a lot of frustose, sucrose and glucose in it. Hope she enjoys eating them.


  1. Wah my eyes popped out seeing these durians! I think u mistaken the day. It was Monday morning when the EU final match took place. I saw tht news too....gosh! I wonder how they can allow crowds when the pandemic is stil lurking😨

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I corrected it to Monday. πŸ™‚ I blur blur liao, thinking it was Tuesday. I also wonder the same thing too. They will open fully without restrictions in this month too. Can only wait and see the results.

  2. Thanks for sharing info...but i m not eating durian for the time being. Gonna take good care of my health before the jab....hopefully soon coz most my peers (around mh age group) already got appt for jab on this week. How bout u? Hav u got appt yet?

    1. You are welcome! Can buy for your parents to eat since they have completed two doses. No yet. I know some people registered in Feb are still waiting. Will be your company turn in getting the jabs for you all soon using the PIKAS program. All the best to you! May you get your date soon. Stay healthy!

  3. Heh I have already used both my promo chances last weekend.

    Word of advice, get ready early and key in the code at the stroke of 3pm. Dunno whether it'd be the same on weekdays, but I tried to redeem at 3.08pm on Saturday and code was already fully redeemed. So I acted kiasu on Sunday and got it without problem.

    1. Hah! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒThanks for the advice. Will stand by to key in the code at 3 pm afterwards. πŸ€žπŸ˜ƒ

    2. Thanks to your advice, I managed to get the 2nd one! Yay! πŸ™‚

    3. πŸ‘πŸ™‚πŸ˜‹

  4. Wow! Quite a good deal. I want to try my luck too. Good luck to you! You are a football fan :)

    1. Hope you managed to get the promo. I managed to get the 2nd one so I have my filled of durian, πŸ˜‹ yummy!

    2. Thanks for your wishes. Must be due to that, I managed to get the 2nd one, MYR 40 nett off. Ya, watching football since young with my late father.

  5. Wah! You are a football fan! I was soundly asleep while you were watching the football. I am being a good girl, refrain from durian until I finished my 2nd jab.

    1. My late father trained all of us to stay up and watch football with him. Guess old habits die hard. πŸ˜ƒ Yes, you are a good girl, to wait till after your jab 2 before eating durian.

  6. tengah cari review utk kedai sam lee durian dan jumpa post ni. Tq sebab buat review.
