Saturday, June 19, 2021

Friday iz For Fast Food

Today is Saturday 19.jun.21 Day 5 of 14 (2). Yesterday we stayed home and ordered A&W food panda delivery. I wanted to order this ever since I read NuxV's writings about her A&W meals.

Mozza burger - this is the counterpart of McD big Mac. 

A lot of lettuce, tomatoes and gherkins.

Cheesy Beef coney fries. Flavourful!

Boston cheese Coney - I was supposed to order Chicago Tangy Coney and I unknowingly ordered this instead so I ordered the latter again.

Chicago Tangy Coney - mustard, tomato sauce and very small pieces of gherkins.

I have never eaten fish sandwich from them so I tried this time. A lot of tartar sauce. I still prefer McD fish fillet burgers because mcd fish fillet is flaky.

4 bags because of the mistake I made. The staff who has to hand write all these notes must have a very tired hand.

Ordered Boston Cheese by mistake instead of Chicago Tangy.

Buy again to include the Chicago Tangy.

6 pm - his dinner of pork stomach pepper Mee hoon from Good Taste bought on Thursday. I ate some that he kept for me.


  1. That was a lot of bags, but can keep for next consumption. Pity we don't have A&W here. Did have it once when I was in KL many years ago.

    1. 4 paper bags only. Paper bags can disintegrate so they are environmental friendly. They did leave kl for a while but open back. Fingers crossed they will stay here and not leave again.

  2. LOLOL I have also been eating burgers from McD and A&W after getting lured by bloggers. Now I suddenly missed the power ones by KGB as their meat & ingredients are like hotel styled and pricey.

    1. You must go test KGB burgers to see if their standard dropped already or not as the famous Ah Hong Chee says KGB has same taste as Mcd and she doesn't like. Lolx! πŸ˜‚ You did read her post.

    2. Yea...KGB standard like McD already..also in my reject listπŸ˜‚ since is not worth paying tht price for a McD level burger.

    3. You tried KGB burger recently?

    4. Wah, at that time already not nice already ah,,,

  3. I had tried the fish burger many years ago when i was a kid. Jst so-so only hence we never buy again.

    1. Same here. Not buying that fish burger again.

    2. I jst ordered 2 mozza burgers again....this time it is only RM13.40 only RM6.70 for each burger. So worth it😁

    3. Wow! Ya, so worth it! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‹

  4. I was quite tempted to order the Mozza Burger, maybe another day. If I remember correctly, A&W's fish burger texture is more like fish cake.

    1. I wonder whether you will like the Mozza burger better than KGB burger or not. Hhmmmm, not really, the fish is not like fish cake but is kind of mushy.

    2. The one i tried last time is like fish cake.

    3. Oh, they must have changed it then.

  5. One evening, I didn't feel like cooking dinner so hubby went out to buy burger from a roadside stall. We haven't eaten McD's burger or hotdog for a long time.

    1. Did he like the taste of the roadside burger?

  6. How does Burger King and A&W burger compare?

    1. I prefer burger king for burgers. A&W for sausages.

  7. Oh gosh I feel I've had enough A&W just looking at your photos. So many!

    1. Hahahaha ya, I order too many items! πŸ˜€
