Thursday, June 10, 2021

ABC Foods Corner

Today is Thursday 10.jun.21 which is Day 10 of 14. Four more days, then what?

Yesterday, I received the box of 6 loaves of rainbow sprouted bread, 2 packs of rainbow cinnamon rolls and a free gift of a box of rainbow sprouted cookies so we went to drop off 4 loaves of bread for the elderlies. I ordered the bread from the rainbow bread official website on Mon and received the goods on wed so it is very efficient.

Since we were out, we used food panda app to buy some food for self pickup.

11.44 am - two of us shared this pack of nasi Briyani with chicken. Very tasty because full of flavours from the spices used.

They even have a nice pre-printed box with the name of the shop, ABC Food's Corner, for the biryani rice with chicken.

Self pickup gets a discount which turns out to be MYR 3.84 nett.

Now to food of yesterday:

8.32 am - his breakfast of coffee, two soft boiled safeggs eggs and toasted Hainan bread.

Kaya and butter on the bread is a must for him. Lunch was chicken biryani rice.

12.47 noon - I tried this bonito butter and found the bonito taste to be very, very strong.

5.36 pm - his pork Mee hoon for dinner. The pork taste is very strong.

Self pickup the pork noodle from Lucky coffee shop at Desa Petaling. A discount of MYR 4.20 nett.

5.42 pm - I ate all the remaining daikon, carrot beef soup direct from the fridge and cleared it. It has been in the fridge for 3 days since Sunday.

He kept aside some pork Mee hoon for me and I ate it with the beef soup.

6.30 pm - I ate 3 Ghee Hiang tambun biscuits as dessert to wrap up the day. Didn't get to buy A&W so will try to buy it today.


  1. I miss tambun biscuit! My fav brand is Penang Him HeangπŸ˜‹

    1. I like to eat him heang tambun biscuits too but they are not sealed inside the box so I don't dare to order from penang using shopee so I ordered ghee hiang tambun biscuits instead. Can get it within a few days. Very fast.

  2. I want your pork mee hun. Looks good. :D

  3. Oh, that Him Heang reminds me, I must buy some cookies now from Grab... hahaha... long time I didnt get to eat these type of biscuits!

    1. Ya, do go get some to eat. They can keep boredom at bay.

  4. I'm wary of using FoodPanda already after paying rm45 for food selling at rm30 at the shop. I checked again for that shop and found the pickup discount would make it about the same price. So I'm guessing this generally applies to pricing at other shops.

    So the bonito butter isn't that pleasant to eat?

    1. I like Foodpanda delivery convenience so I am ok to pay premium to stay safe at home. I also like their pick up function because I don't want to hang around the shop to wait for the food to be cooked. I just pick up and go, no waiting. Eating bonita butter is like eating blue cheese. I like it but other people may not like it.

    2. I took Grab pickup from a mamak shop downstairs since my company gave that voucher. Took my time to walk there, but when I arrived they hadn't done a thing about the order. Ended up the same point-and-choose concept as ordering on the spot.

    3. I think need to wait until the app says the order is done then only go pick up else may end up waiting like you did. I always go late to pick up my orders so they are always there waiting for me. Wah, your company is so nice to give you all vouchers! πŸ‘

    4. Well it was supposed to be a welcome session to a new office location where they'd normally be refreshments. So replaced by vouchers. Which I'm happy about as I wouldn't have attended the session if it had been in the office as it's so far away.

    5. Not supposed to have gatherings so it is good that your company replace it with vouchers. πŸ‘

  5. I love the Rainbow Sprouted Bread and thanks for pointing out that it can be purchased directly from their site. I will do that. When you received the bread, was there a few more days before the best by date? Every time I saw the stock at Jaya Grocer, the best by date is already one or two days to go. Same at Aeon last Sunday, so I did not buy.

    1. I received the bread on 9 June and the expiry date on the bread is 13 June. Minimum order is rm30 so I bought many loaves to freeze.

  6. Like the way they packed the briyani.

    1. You like compartmentalized cardboard bento boxes.

  7. Oh, I really miss nasi briyani. Too bad, my friend's shop is closed during lockdown.

  8. I love nasi briyani. Maybe will dabao for my next meal. Would order nasi briyani with curry chicken.
