Friday, May 28, 2021

Moorthys Mathai Brickfields

Since we were in the vicinity to pick up our order from Entier at Alila Bangsar, we also dropped by a coffee shop in Brickfields which is near Alila Bangsar on Wed 26.may.21 to buy banana leaf rice and pork noodles.

12.47 noon - His lunch of fish banana leaf rice bought from Moorthy's Mathai stall at Money's Corner Food Court. He chose pineapple cucumber and cabbage as the two side dishes and for gravy, he chose fish curry. He couldn't finish it so I have to help with a few tablespoonfuls of the side dishes and a quarter of the fish.
I also ordered Mutton curry and fish cutlet but was given a fried ball that looks like a begedil. These two items I gave to my friend.

My friend sent me this photo of the fried ball after it has been cut to show the insides. The ball is made of fish and potatoes.

I googled and found this recipe of fish cutlets. So fish cutlets are deep fried balls made of fish, potatoes, shallots and eggs. I didn't know this when I selected 1 fish cutlet using a food delivery app with the self pickup option.

Our order - fried fish banana leaf rice at MYR 14 Nett, fish cutlet at MYR 4 nett and mutton curry at MYR 12 nett. Total is MYR 30 nett.

This is the Money's Corner Food Court, Brickfields with very few people around at 11.48 am. This food court is also known as Mayflower coffee shop.

We also ordered Peter's pork noodle MYR 7.50 nett which is another popular stall in the same coffee shop. He ate this pork yee mee for dinner at 7 pm. I was full from eating Entire main dish so I didn't eat this pork yee mee at all.


  1. Banana leaf rice without the banana leafπŸ˜‚. I m so craving for it...but will wait til we can safely dine in again coz i want to eat the rice served on the leafπŸ˜ƒ

    1. You can buy the banana leaf yourself and put the rice and everything on it at home if you want to.

    2. haha....leceh la have to buy own banana leaf...Some more the ambience is different than dine-in. When dine-in, can refil the gravy till 'banjir'...LOL! And serve with cold mango lassi & sour resam...yummzzz!!!

    3. Then u quickly go take vaccination then when dine in is allowed, then you can go eat dine in cos after vaccination, you won't get serious symptoms even if you kena.

  2. I have banana leaf in the garden and even bought banana-leaf design plates! Which have never been used, probably my maid has no idea what to use them for.

    Why the fish cutlet dunked in the curry la. Yup fish cutlet concept is like begedil. :) I first tried as a kid at some Deepavali event and have always been partial to them.

    1. What your house garden got banana trees? Very good. Wah you are so knowledgeable. I didn't know what fish cutlet is, just order because if it says fish, then can't go wrong, right? Lolx! πŸ˜‹

    2. My friend carted a whole banana plant to the office for me. So yes, I have banana trees! The 'anak' grows from the main plant. Only thing had some monkey trouble recently - they ate up the shoots and killed the tree. Hoping the whole thing isn't dead and new babies will appear. One tree will only produce one bunch of banana.

    3. The cutlet... I just happened to have seen it really young LOL. My mum told me what it was.

    4. Wah, your friend is so nice to give you a banana tree.

    5. Means when young, your mother shows and exposes to the many different local cuisines. very good to have exposure from young. You are a true m'sian. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  3. Where's the banana leaf? LOL :D The curry does look good.

    The fried too big, isn't it? Seems so out of place.

    1. The banana leaf is on the banana tree. The fried ball is a stand alone item. It is not part of the mutton curry.

  4. I would love that fish and potatoes balls. I miss banana leaf.... The curry looked yummy to me.

  5. It has been a long while since I last took banana curry rice, ever since EMCO, I have been cooking for dinner, maybe I have ordered too much raw food so it is time to do some homecooking!

  6. I miss banana leaf rice. We have one nearby but there is usually a long queue. Maybe I will go check tomorrow hoping there is no queue. I love their fried chicken and mutton curry.

    1. Tomorrow is weekend, should be more people on weekends, right?
