Saturday, November 21, 2020

Combo Cakes

Ordered this Combo Cakes Set earlier and received them on Thursday 19 Nov 2020. 

The pink stripes box is so sweet.

Ate a bit of the butter cake before keeping them in the fridge.

Ate the cheese mango cake, all the butter cream on the pandan gula melaka cakes and all the shaved cheese toppings with the two blueberries and one strawberries on top of the moist chocolate cake. Oiling my tummy by eating too much butter cream frosting and cheese toppings. He helped me eat the moist chocolate. Yummy cakes. One of the toppings are strips of coconut soaked in gula melaka.

*** Friday 20 Nov 2020 d248 ***

My breakfast of cakes from the previous day.

I couldn't eat anymore because I was full so this small piece went back into the fridge.

Not my breakfast of pork Yee Mee bought on Wednesday at Sweet Heng MYR 7 nett. Couldn't finish drinking the soup so reheated it to keep till later.

Ended up like this. Luckily it didn't catch fire.

Not my lunch of pork trotter wanton mi bought on Wednesday too from BC n S coffee shop at MYR 7.50 Nett.

My lunch of mutton curry from 7 days ago with bread. 

Not my dinner of instant noodles with egg and masala chicken from 10 days ago.

Another work week completed. Happy weekend!


  1. I cannot never resist cakes. Yes another work week completed. Happy weekend to you too! Weekend is time to do my bloghopping.

    1. Same here, if the cake looks tasty, I sure would be tempted to eat it. Thanks! Weekday u r too bz to hop blogs?

  2. U forgot to turn off fire? Gosh! all hangus...The cakes are so happy by jst looking at these colorful cakesπŸ˜ƒ

    1. I didn't know about it until I smell smoke and ask him u got smell smoke or not and he was like aiya!!!!!!

    2. Dunno yet cos no one is scrubbing it.

  3. Oh dear!!! You forgot you were reheating something? Didn't smell anything? I like simple butter cakes, will buy once in a while to eat. Just bought a pack of butter cup cakes yesterday - used to be RM3 for 6. RM4.80 now. Sighhhhhh!!!!!

    1. I didn't know about it. When I smell smoke it was like this already. Butter cup cakes should be very nice and easy to eat. Price up a bit is ok la.

  4. I dont take cake that often but last week, someone gave my hubby a big chocolate cheesecake from Secret Revipe. Took us few days to finish it up. Ended mostly in my tummy though. Lol.

    1. Chocolate cheese cake! Must be so yummy! Your children don't like it? Hahahaha, normally we are the ones who eat cakes. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  5. The butter cake looks yummy. Hubby and I have burnt a few pots already. Getting old and forgetful. Ha ha.

    1. Cakes are tasty! Yes, here also got a few pots like this. 😰

  6. Variety of cakes to enjoy. Nice lah, can enjoy different variety ordering like that.

    1. Yes, nice combo. By a nice home baker in insta living in dengkil.

  7. Wow lots of cakes happening.

    Oh poor pot. Can be rescued? My hubby did this to one of my frequently-used pots... destroyed since it was a non-stick pot.

    1. Hahahaha, eat cakes to be happy mah. Dunno yet cos never clean it yet. Your husband did once only is ok lor. This is not the only time here, lolx!

    2. Only problem is, I have looked for a replacement pot of the same size and shape for years. Still can't find.

    3. Wah, you must have very high standard. The exact pot is no longer produced and sold by the company that made it?

    4. Tefal. Yes no longer to be found. I just like things that I'm used to, not high standard lah.

    5. Confirmed with tefal that they have stopped producing the design?

  8. I salute you with gold medal for being the most adventurous lady to order anything new to try. Especially these cakes and desserts that get my attention.

    I like that kinda combo box because we can eat variety.

    1. Yes, can eat variety. I usually see on insta for many good reviews from their customers, then only I dare to buy.
