Saturday, October 3, 2020

Matcha Red Bean Lotus Salted Egg Yolk

 These are the moon cakes by SubMerryn, all safely in tummies now. πŸ˜‹

Red bean is my favourite.

Love that there are many kuaci inside.

I like authentic green tea taste too so bought this matcha red bean.

The matcha taste authentic.  Matcha taste goes well with red bean so there is a layer of red bean too.

Must have just the lotus paste and with the savoury salted egg yolk to offset the sweetness.

There are many kuaci inside too. I like that. Next year, hopefully SubMerryn will make mooncakes for sale again so can buy from her.

*** Friday 2 Oct 2020 d199 ***

9.30 am - just Nasi Lemak from happy garden at MYR 2.50 nett because the curry and ayam berempah weren't ready yet and I didn't want the hard boiled egg so we diy two fried eggs and added the only remaining piece of kfc chicken thigh to it for two to share.

12.40 noon - char siew, siew yuk rice from happy garden MYR 7 nett. The char siew is tasty but the siew yuk skin can be crispier. Shared by 2 pax.

4.40 pm - dinner for 2 pax. Pork mix Yee Mee from happy garden at MYR 8.50 nett. Added napa cabbage to it. The pork slices are fresh.

I painted these roses that were given to me by my boyfriend then aka spouse now 27 years ago. This water colour painting may not last forever so I took a photo of it and put it here for keepsake.

Processed the photo colours to be deeper but the details on one leaf cannot be seen clearly.

Another water colour painting that I did 27 years ago.


  1. Lucky you!!! Too bad Poslaju and all the courier services are not reliable due to COVID-19 and the irregular flights available, not advisable to send edibles and perishables especially...otherwise, I would have ordered from her as well. Would love so much to try!

    1. Gee!!! You are so artistic, really gifted. Your works of art are truly impressive!

    2. Thanks. No patience to paint nowadays.

    3. Since SubMerryn's mooncakes don't have preservatives, I am not sure whether they can survive the journey by air and land or not.

  2. Good to know you supported her mooncakes. She sure have good hand in such thing.

    Lovely painting. Never knew you are that artistic.

    1. Yes, her mooncakes are tasty. Thank you. I like drawing since young like your Jan who draws very well too.

  3. Nice paintings! You have artistic talent!

    1. Thank you. Too bad no patience to paint now.

  4. You can paint very well. You are very artistic.

  5. Wow, you are really artistic! I am quite the contrary.. Art-less is me! hahahaa..

    1. Thank you. Baking is an art too and you bake bread, cakes and muffins, cup cakes so well!

  6. You painted these roses from scratch? Wow very impressive! You are very artistic.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I painted the roses by looking at the real roses given to me.

  7. Wow! You could paint so well since 27 years ago! By now you can paint like Van Gogh if you carried on. My next post is actually about teaching a 7 year old to draw and colour.

    1. Van Gogh is a genius who cut off his own ears, don't think anyone can live up to his art. So you are an art teacher now I see.

  8. I didn't eat any fancy mooncake this year. Just the normal one. :D

    1. Normal ones are good enough.πŸ˜‹πŸ‘

  9. I had a look at those mooncakes after reading about them in your site, but it was a bit late into the season already. Maybe next year.

    Oh you painted those? Not bad, should start again!

    1. Ya,next year see SubMerryn is selling or not. If yes can buy from her. Hahahaha I now old no patience to paint.
