Thursday, August 13, 2020

Taste Testing not Binging

Here is how to eat 5 packs of biscuits without feeling guilty:
1. I have forgotten how Le-mond cheese biscuits taste like so I ate one pack. Mmmmm, very tasty, savoury and just a bit sweet.
2. Do I like Julie cheese biscuits better? Have to eat one pack to know. Tasty but sweeter than Le-mond cheese biscuits so I like Le-mond better.
3. Do Julie peanut butter biscuits taste better than the cheese biscuits? Ate one pack and found that I prefer the cheese biscuits because the peanut butter biscuits taste a bit boring.
4. Now that I am full, will Le-mond cheese biscuits still taste good? Ate another pack. Yes, confirmed the savoury and a little sweet taste is yummy.
5. Would Le-mond lemon biscuits taste better than the cheese biscuits? Zesty and sweet, refreshing but this time I prefer Le-mond cheese biscuits. Okay, time to stop binging on biscuits. The winner this round is Le-mond cheese biscuits.

*** Wednesday 12 Aug 2020 d148 ***

8.30 am - shared breakfast of frozen chives pork sui gao with bok choy and egg drop soup.

8.40 am - my portion.

12.20 noon - pepper pork stomach Mee Hoon with added bittergourd for an extra 50 cents so the price is MYR 8.50 nett. I just ate one piece of pork stomach, one piece of liver and some bittergourd.

1 pm - bought wanton noodles with dry chicken curry with 4 wantons at MYR 7 nett from the same shop that sells pepper pork Mee Hoon. The kway chap stall is no longer there. Couldn't finish the chicken so have to get help.

6 pm - ate a few mouthfuls of lo Mai Kai (MYR 3.80 nett) - just the glutinous rice. The remaining is for his dinner because I ate 5 packs of biscuits from 4 pm to 5 pm.


  1. Thanks for sharing the taste test on the biscuit. Now i knw what to look for when the office admin replenish our pantry biscuitsπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒ

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‹πŸ˜…you are welcome! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  2. I like soupy breakfast...yummy & comforting.

    1. Yes, to warm the tummy as the first meal of the day.

  3. Not sure if I've bought these Le Mond, always bought Julie's. We have it here, will buy and try soon.

    1. Ya, see if you prefer Le-mond or Julie but they are from the same company.

  4. When I am in an air con place, I eat more than the usual portion. I ate a lot of snacks in between working.. That is why last time I gained weight in the office rather than at home.. hahaha...

    1. When in cold places, your body needs more food to burn into energy to keep you warm. No worries, all your snacks will be burnt by your body.

  5. I like your breakfast of chives pork sui gao with veg and egg drop soup.

    1. That is a tummy warming breakfast! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  6. Looks like you enjoy eating biscuits more than noodles or rice. I wouldn't be able to finish 5 packets of biscuits even though I love to munch. I will look out for Lemond biscuits next time I go shopping.

    1. Yes I love to eat biscuits. 5 packs of total 14 sandwich biscuits. Yum yummy πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  7. Love the story of the biscuits! I totally follow the logic haha. I like both flavours of the Julies ones - peanut butter wins for me. I don't get the Le-mond ones much.

    1. Thank you! I love the Julie cheese and peanut butters too but that day the Le-mond cheese tastes better! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹I am such a glutton!
