Sunday, May 24, 2020

Processed Food

What is this? Oops, I did it again. I went crazy and spent MYR 292 nett on processed food just because the fridge is now quite bare.

Saw this poster on this fb post. The above items are also sold in packages as below. The above photo is copied from this fb post without permission so will remove if asked to.

The package that is giving good value for money is Package C so I ordered it at MYR 188 nett and added on German, Italian, and Hungarian Sausages at 2 packs each so including MYR 5 delivery fees the total price is MYR 292 nett. Later I was told that Italian sausages are out of stock so I replaced it with one pack of German sausage and one pack of Hungarian sausage. The above photo is copied from this fb post without permission so will remove if asked to.

Ordered on Wednesday 20 May 2020 d64 and received on Friday 22 May 2020 d66. 2 packs of bacon.
2 packs of luncheon meat.

3 packs of sandwich ham

3 packs of German sausages and 3 packs of Hungarian sausages just because Italian sausages are out of stock.

1 pack of Dong Guan Waxed Sausages and 3 packs of BBQ Sausages.

Supposed to be 30 pork balls but was told that this pork balls are out of stock so had to be replaced by 20 pork balls of higher quality so I got 10 pork balls lesser.

Cooked 5 pork balls to eat for dinner on Friday 22 May 2020 d66 in the same lo song tong used to poached the trout. I ate 1 of these two pork balls. Very flavourful indeed with the umami taste of dried squid. So 15 pork balls remaining - so little. Would have bought more if it is available to be bought in ala carte basis. Will give a few packs to my friend as I am sure all my hair will fall off if I eat these food every day for the next 30 days.

*** Saturday 23 May 2020 d67 ***

8.26 am - Not-my-breakfast of  instant noodles, sandwich ham and bbq sausages. I ate one bbq sausage and ham with bread. Very flavourful, a bit too salty for me. The BBQ sausage has a nice smoky taste.

I went out to buy bread at the  neighbourhood sundry shop so I also buy takeaway roast duck with roast pork belly rice at MYR 9 for two pax to share. 10.30 am.

I also bought ytf from Fatty Mok eatery at MYR 1.60 nett each - okra, bittergourd and brinjal. 11 am.

Ate the Royce Baton Cookies Kokutoh that was in my fridge for a very long time. Almost paper thin cookie. Kokutoh refers to Kokuto, which is brown sugar made in Okinawa. It is made by boiling sugarcane juice for many hours without adding anything to it until it hardened. So this cookie has the fragrance of this special brown sugar. 1 pm.


  1. Wow!! You are really a rich lady judging from all your orders this month. I love all those cooked ham for my sandwich. My wife always advised me to stay away from processed food as they trigger cancer cells fast as we had observed & heard from cancer patients. Anyway just close one eye and I still eat la.

    I might want to buy something from Fatty Mok to make steamboat at home.

    1. Hahahaha, what a joke. If you saw my payslip you would die laughing, literally speaking. Lolx! Your wife is correct. We shouldn't eat these processed food. That's why I think I have gone crazy.

  2. WOW....WOW....RM300 on just to buy these meat. Ha :D It's ok. Eat not and repent later. LOL :D

  3. I bought RM2.4 sausages & my mum nagged me each time i eat it. I can't imagine wht would happen if buying RM2xx processed meatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Guess your ears would fall off then by the nagging. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Not into processed meat such as ham, except luncheon meat is ok for me.

    1. Sausages also ok for me, dont really like the taste of ham. I used to buy those canned cocktail sausages, fry and eat with bread.

    2. Hhmmmm, I wonder which taste in the ham that you don't like.

  5. Oooooo...these freshly-meat processed stuff should be fine, not the ones at the supermarket, all preservatives. I do enjoy eating them but the ones here are very expensive. Good also, then cannot eat too much. LOL!!!

  6. Another bulk purchase! It's a nice variety of things actually. If good quality stuff then can slowly enjoy.

    1. Hahahaha, ya. Will slowly eat cos these can be kept for a long time.

  7. I love smoked bacon and Italian/Hungarian sausages too. Looks like you would be having a lip smacking meals these days! Those a really versatile and convenient to whip up easy lunch/dinner at home, and smells so great.
    I have been having them quite a bit in the beginning of the MCO, in my noodles, sandwiches, stir fries etc. Then I find my hair dropping off in little bunches after untying my hair.
    So, I am having a little break from these for awhile, but will keep a little stash in the freezer for emergency meals. Hehe!

    1. Yes, very tasty! Just put a bit in each meal to lift the taste if required. Ya it is true about the hair falling off part. πŸ˜‚

  8. I like the bacon streaks.. maybe I will order those one of these days!

    1. Your nephew would like to eat them I am sure. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  9. I too have processed food in my freezer. Hubby bought them before MCO.

  10. Wah! I love processed meat hah..hah.. especially bacon and sausages. I don't like Italian sausage because of the Italian herbs added into them. I wonder how long you will take to clear off this new batch of food. LOL!

    1. No need to hurry to clear because processed food can be kept quite long.
