Tuesday, May 12, 2015


When we were walking to Ma Maison Tonkatsu Restaurant, we passed by Ichiro Sushi Bar and saw that they were having 25% off all items on their menu. The catch was that once the customers have placed their first order, the clock starts ticking and they have to leave one hour after that. One hour was good enough for us so we went there for another meal 3 hours after eating the deep fried oysters.

Today Special - Sea Urchin (Uni Gunkan Maki) 2 pieces - MYR45 (MYR47.7 after GST) served with pickled ginger slices and wasabi.

Top view. Uni is the gonads of Sea Urchin known commonly as Sea Urchin's Roe. It is rich, creamy and tastes like the sea (sea brine taste).

Salmon and Avocado Roll - MYR16.50 (MYR17.50 after GST)

Now you can see the salmon slice and a bit of avocado

This is the picture on the screen when we placed the order

We thought this was not our order because as you can see from the photo below, it looked nothing like what was shown on the screen. Grilled Salmon Roll - MYR19.50 (MYR20.7 after GST). They went overboard with the mentaiko. I did not like the abundance of mayonnaise and soy sauce (I think it was soy sauce) on this roll - too sweet and too salty for my liking.

Does this look like what was served to us?

Dragon Roll - - MYR19.50 (MYR20.7 after GST). There are 6 pieces in total, the photo above shows only 4 as we have eaten 2.

This roll has cucumber, egg, cream cheese and eel

Front view showing the cream cheese and egg. The cream cheese was very rich and it overpowered the taste of eel and egg so I do not think it is a good combination as their taste does not complement each other.

Ichiro Sushi Bar. Ma Maison is right at the end of this corridor.

There is no service charge - very good!

The 25% off seals the deal for us

With MYR25.12 off, the total bill came up to MYR79.90 only for 3 pax. One person was missing because he went to eat Menya Musashi Ramen which was also having 25% off all Ramen on their menu. Thus our eating spree ended for Mother's Day.


  1. Oooo I would so go for the UNI at 25% off.

    1. I remember you eating a whole tray of UNI at one Japanese restaurant.

  2. I am hungry, can I have some please

  3. I have never tried Uni Maki before, must try one of these days, be more adventurous

    1. Yes, be more adventurous if you prefer. :)

  4. I don't like the taste of eel

    1. I thought eel tastes just like any other fish?

    2. Fresh eel by right does not taste fishy.

  5. Sounds good for a quick meal. I wonder how they make their customers leave after an hour though!

    1. I wonder too. We left before an hour is up.

  6. Isetan? Had the sushi from the one in KL before, Lot 10. For a while I thought you were going to blog about your university life. LOL!!!

    1. It has been a long time I last visited Isetan in Lot 10. Uni is the short form for university so you are not wrong there. LOL!

  7. Wow! I dont mind this at all. I love sushi. That salmon and avocado is a surprise. Haha.

    1. Good that you love to eat sushi. You mean the dragon roll?

  8. I've always wantedm to try sea urchin, but til today, never got a chance.. Only see before in TV and food channels.. Looks very creamy and rich, I wonder how it taste like..

  9. ah so you went next door to continue your Mother's Day feast, how convenient, haha!! hmm the picture on the menu looks a lot nicer, but the real thing wasn't too big a difference though I would say the rice wasn't nicely gripped.. one guy left the team and went to have ramen?? is he the same guy you blogged earlier who always do that?? haha..

  10. 25% off, but you get 4 instead of 6 pcs, that is 33% less. Although the real things seem to be done more elaborately than the screenshots. Hmm...

    1. They did serve us 6 pcs and we ate 2 pieces before taking that photo so they didn't deceive the customers. I think you read too fast and miss the part where I wrote we ate 2 pcs already.

  11. sounds like a good place to eat .

  12. There's one thing I've not tried and that's uni...can't bring myself to order it coz it's so bloody expensive...one bite and it's all gone! :'( Although I love discounts, sometimes I'm weary of places giving discounts (especially Japanese eateries) for fear they might substitute it with more inferior ingredients. For example, that salmon roll, they can overload it with sauces until you can't taste the freshness of the salmon. And the dragon roll looked nothing like the picture, the unagi looked more like the end pieces of the eel. Of course, this may not be the case (if everything tasted great) but I did experienced it before. Presentation wise, I think maybe a trainee sushi chef was in attendance....kekeke...the rice is so loose! :D

    1. This one is giving genuine discounts because I have eaten here before and the food is like this.

      For a really fresh uni, best go to Japan and eat it from its shell, really fresh!

  13. I went here before, not bad...

  14. I am very curios about the sea urchin. Have seen it being eaten on TV but never tried yet.

    1. Go Japan and eat the really fresh ones there. They will open the sea urchin on the spot and let you eat.

  15. Sounds interesting! Wish I could Urchin as well!

  16. All those food look so yummy..
